Posted 7/1/2022

To keep our program groups separated as much as possible to prevent possible transmission of COVID-19, our adult education, English as a second language, and driver’s education students will use the front door on the Knight St. side of our biilding. Our daycare students and parents will use the entrance door directly off our Hutchins street parking lot.  Each door has its own buzzer to ring for entrance.

Though masks are no longer required while inside the building, they are still available at the entrance doors if you choose to wear one. And should we receive notification that a class has been exposed to COVID-19 we may reinstate the mandatory use of masks as we deem necessary.

If you are a student in one of our programs and are not feeling well, please take a COVID-19 test before choosing to attend class.  If you discover that you have or have been directly exposed to COVID-19, please contact your teacher or the administration office.